Understanding how to improve performance and foster on-time, in-budget, and safer STO execution
Automation faces a range of challenges in any organization, including workforce transition, reluctance to change, technophobia and digital phobia, the effort required to implement change, and readiness for change. But automation – particularly of routine, repetitive work that can be performed without human intervention – is one of the keys to improving performance.
Furthermore, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to crunch and process the large amounts of data that is gathered during work provides meaningful insights for forecasting, modeling value execution options, tracking the STO cost, and determining the best way to utilize critical resources.
This whitepaper illustrates how the automation of routine tasks in STOs ensures that all users have access to all relevant data without having to request it, as well as providing a single, constantly up-to-date source of truth. It shows that the more that systems can think for us and start us at a different point, the better chance we have to manage all the different things that happen during STOs.
“During the event, your success depends largely on how quickly you can become aware of issues, and then give you the maximum period of time to influence. Things happen very quickly, but time is of the essence.”
Dave Maher, SVP, Capital & Turnarounds, Delek US